Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Buddhism healthcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Buddhism healthcare - Essay Example Buddhist rituls usully consist of thr min lmnts: rcittion, chnting nd th mking of offrings. Th vrss rcitd r usully ssocitd with th principl tnts nd idls of Buddhism; ND thy giv xprssion to th spiritul spirtion which mks somon Buddhist. Buddhists usully chnt in ithr Pli or Snskrit (two ncint Indin lngugs) nd chnting is wy of forging n motionl connction with motionl Buddhist idls. Somtims Buddhists chnt mntrs, Snskrit phrss which r blivd to b th vrbl xprssions of nlightnmnt. Offrings usully consist of flowrs, symbolising both buty nd imprmnnc; cndls, symbolising th rdinc of nlightnmnt; nd incns which prvds th ir in th sm wy tht th truth s xprincd by th Buddh prvds th univrs (Boorstin, 2001). Th cor thicl cod of Buddhism is known s th fiv prcpts, nd ths r th distilltion of its thicl principls. Th prcpts r not ruls or commndmnts, but 'principls of trining', which r undrtkn frly nd nd to b put into prctic with intllignc nd snsitivity. Th Buddhist trdition cknowldgs tht lif is complx nd throws up mny difficultis, nd it dos not suggst tht thr is singl cours of ction tht will b right in ll circumstncs. Indd, rthr thn spking of ctions bing right or wrong, Buddhism spks of th bing skilful (kusl) or unskilful (kusl) (Twd, 2000). 1. Not killing or cusing hrm to othr living bings.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Scarlet Letter Essay Example for Free

The Scarlet Letter Essay Doesn’t redemption require more than just a simple sorry? Nathaniel Hawthorne uses the letter â€Å"A† to prove redemption may be possible through one’s admirable actions. As stated in The Scarlet Letter, Many people refused to interpret the scarlet A by its original signification. † (Hawthorne 111) meaning Hester Prynne changed the view that others had of her because of her scarlet letter. The punishment from a women’s wrongdoing was soon interpreted from a symbol of sin to a symbol of kindness due to redemption. Hester engages in a variety of acts that turned her from being classified as a horrible human being, into being an idol to the majority of the town. Hester demonstrates what it is like to be an outcast in society. When the town finds out that Hester had committed adultery, everybody views her differently than before. They only see her as a sinner and they all gather to watch her be humiliated and punished in front of the rest of the town. Although Hester did not regret committing her sin, the opinions of others still affect her in a certain way. She is shameful, but not remorseful. As proven, Hester’s thoughts are revealed as, â€Å"Like all other joys, she rejected it as a sin. † (Hawthorne 57) Hawthorne mentions that â€Å"The exception indicated the ever relentless vigor with which society frowned upon her sin. † (Hawthorne 57) This quote proves that society has an entirely different view on Hester just because she will now have a scarlet letter on her breast. During this time, Puritans viewed Hester’s sin in the same way present day society views murder, which is why everybody is repulsed with her because of her act of adultery. The following quote demonstrates Hester’s shame towards having to wear the letter â€Å"As if the letter were not of red cloth, but red-hot iron. I shuddered, and involuntarily let it fall upon the floor. † (Hawthorne 60) This quote displays the severe emotional scarring Hester feels from a small, but extremely significant physical designation handed down from the Puritans. It seems that she is ashamed of the fact that there is going to be an obvious difference between her and the rest of society now. Society thought Hester’s embroidering was too lenient of a punishment. One of the old townspeople even says â€Å"At the very least, they should have put the brand of a hot iron on Hester Prynnes forehead. (Hawthorne 36) At this point in the novel, Hester will not be forgiven nor liked by anyone. Hester suffers in ways that other people do not see, though. The letter â€Å"A† had lead up to Hester almost losing her daughter, Pearl, â€Å"No, my little Pearl! Thou must gather thine own sunshine. I have none to give thee! † (Hawthorne 71) The governor had ordered his servant to take Pearl away once and for all which was all relevant to Hester having the letter A on her bosom. Although people may think Hester’s punishment wasn’t severe enough, her guilt ate at her more than the letter put on her chest. Pearl is also walking proof that is a constant reminder to Hester of her sin and wrongdoing. Many puritans, including Hester herself, view Pearl as the Devil’s child because she was created by sin and is said to be the Devil’s work. Hester’s sin resulted in more consequence than what only lied on her breast. Hester begins to no longer feel humiliated and wears her scarlet letter with pride. She does this to show she is not keeping her scarlet letter a secret any longer. It is said that â€Å"On the breast of her gown, in fine red cloth, surrounded with an elaborate embroidery and fantastic flourishes of gold-thread, appeared the letter A. It was so artistically done, and with so much fertility and gorgeous luxuriance of fancy, that it had all the effect of a last and fitting decoration to the apparel which she wore; and which was of a splendor in accordance with the taste of the age, but greatly beyond what was allowed by the sumptuary regulations of the colony. (Hawthorne 37) This quote is very meaningful to who Hester becomes. It brings out her character and exemplifies her attitude towards her embroidering. She made an effort to show that the opinion of others would not affect her because of this beautiful letter she created for herself. Her creation symbolizes pride and confidence. Dimmesdale also proves this by telling Hester, â€Å"Happy you are, Hester, that we ar that scarlet letter openly upon your bosom! Mine burns in secret!! † (Hawthorne 131) This provides the information that Hester in fact does almost show off her scarlet letter. Hester uses her skill and unleashes her pride to show society that she is no longer affected by wearing the letter and more importantly, she does not care for their opinions. Society not only becomes accepting of Hester, but they forgive and begin to admire her. The townspeople declares that Hester’s â€Å"A† â€Å"Meant Able; so strong was Hester Prynne, with a women’s strength. † (Hawthorne 111) This signifies that Hester has changed the meaning of the letter â€Å"A† from the original meaning of â€Å"Adultery† to meaning â€Å"Able† because she is so strong and helpful in her society. Hester becomes well-respected in her town by the admirable acts she commits. She becomes involved in charity work although the poor doesn’t show compassion towards her; it does not matter because she enjoys helping and doing a good deed from her heart. Not only does Hester partake in charity work, but she also puts her skills towards helping out the needy by knitting clothing for them. Because of these kind acts, it is commonly known that Hester â€Å"Is so kind to the poor, so helpful to the sick, so comfortable to the afflicted! † (Hawthorne 111) Hester changes the view of herself in society’s eyes as a person who is seem as a poor and sinful human being to being honorable and admirable. At the end of Hester’s life she is known as a happy, capable, and honorable legend. You know that Hawthorne is presenting the peak of Hester’s redemption when the town debates as to whether or not Hester’s letter can be removed. Hester’s reply to the debate over the removal of her letter is It lies not in the pleasure of the magistrates to take off this badge. Were I worthy to be quit of it, it would fall away of its own nature, or be transformed into something that should speak a different purport. (Hawthorne 116) Through this quote, Hester is saying the letter can’t and shall not be removed. Furthermore, that only God’s word and the course of nature can result in the letter vanishing from her bosom, not the townspeople’s words. Hester is an honorable woman even after she passes away. She is remembered and served as a legend. It is said that â€Å"As if the dust of the two sleepers had no right to mingle. Yet, one tombstone served fo r both. † (Hawthorne 180) This quote summarizes all of societies view on Hester. Even though Hester had committed infidelity, they still bury her next to her true lover with a shared gravestone. Even in the strictest of all environments, Hester was able to make an exception to Puritan rules and values. Redeeming yourself may take long and require hard work, but if you are committed to turning yourself around, you can. In the beginning of the novel, people are ashamed of Hester’s immorality and they think that her punishment is not nearly as severe as her sin. Society wanted nothing to do with Hester because they saw her as nothing, but a sinner and no longer a Puritan. Throughout the novel, Hester begins to make something of her, beginning with not dwelling on her sin any longer and lifting her chin up high. She commits great acts of kindness for the poor and for the needy to the point where people begin to admire Hester for her acts such caring deeds. All throughout the novel, Hester proves that redeeming yourself is a process. You cannot just apologize for the wrong you have done and be forgiven; you have to take one step at a time. Once you reach the top of the staircase, you have proven you are worthy and capable of being fully redeemed.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Comparing Notebook and Desktop Computers :: Compare Contrast Computer Essays

Comparing Notebook and Desktop Computers Computers are one of the most popular kinds of electronic devices in the world today. Whether kid or adult, male or female, everyone wants to learn how to operate the computer. People use computers for different purposes such as typing papers, creating websites, making presentations, browsing on the internet, playing games, etc. In fact, many people are still confused about choosing what kind of computer they want to buy. In the world today, there are two types of computers: notebook/laptop and desktop. They both are actually very different in several ways. In this paper, I will compare the size, connectivity, power, and price of notebook and desktop computers. I can make these comparisons because I have both a notebook and a desktop computer in my apartment. Size is one of the major concerns for people who want to buy a computer. A notebook/laptop tends to be smaller than a desktop computer. This makes the notebook more convenient to use than a desktop computer. Because of the size, the components, which are built inside a notebook, are relatively small as well. Components of a computer consist of: microprocessor, memory, disk drivers, motherboard, sound card, input/output port, and power supply. Moreover, notebooks seem to be lighter than desktop computers. This also makes a very difference for the users. A notebook's weight will be about 10 pounds or less. Because of this weight, notebook can be brought anywhere easily. Many people use notebooks for business purposes so they can bring their notebook everywhere. On the other hand, a desktop computer's weight is more than 20 pounds. Because of this, desktop computers are used by people who stay at home most of the time. Besides that, a notebook is built as a fixed computer. In other words, all the components used to build a notebook cannot be changed if something is broken, or all the components cannot be upgraded as a user desires. On the other hand, a desktop computer seems to be less complicated than a notebook because all the components inside the desktop computer can be changed as the user desires. Because of these changes, a desktop computer has more memory capacity than a notebook. Besides size, connectivity is also an important aspect in order to operate the computers correctly. The connectivity that I mean is an internet connection. There are several components that are used to connect the computers to the internet such as modem, Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), wireless, etc.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

President Gerald Ford Essay example -- Biographies

President Gerald Ford Outline I. Introduction II. Early Life III. Presidency IV. Conclusion V. Bibliography Introduction Ford may not be the most important president during his time, but he did more than some presidents did for the people. One of them was raising their spirits and hopes for the people to the government. He helped people gain confidence in their president again after losing confidence with Nixon. He set new records and started getting the United States on its feet again after having a very hard time in the past. He started his presidency with an oath on August 9, 1974 which he said - "Our long national nightmare is over (4, page 422)" which started his presidency. Early Life Ford had a more interesting early life than he had during his presidency. He was born in Omaha Nebraska on July 14, 1913. He wasn't always called Gerald Ford, his original name was Leslie Lynch King Jr. His parents were Leslie and Dorothy King. When his parents got divorced while he was two, his mother married a man named Gerald R. Ford from whom he got his most widely known name. Together, they moved to Grand Rapids Michigan (1, Page 1). During his High School years, he was the most popular Senior having been a great athlete and competing within 5 sports, his best being Football. Being good at Football, he got a M.V.P, a scholarship to Michigan with a Football scholarship and was offered a contract by the Green Bay Packers and the Detroit Lions. He finally took a job as assistant Football coach at Yale. While at Yale, he became interested in law and asked to take courses. He was soon invited to learn law in the college and didn't gr... ...cans were at this time. Now Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr. now spends the remaining years of his life in California and is an active Republican Member. (4, Page 147) Conclusion As you have read in the above pages, Ford was an important man who has changed history for the good. He might not of done much to make him as famous as other presidents such as Kennedy, Reagan or Abe Lincoln, but he did raise the spirits and sights of many millions of Americans for the Good. Bibliography 1. Prodigy "Ford, Gerald" Grolier Encyclopedia 1992, pp. 1-3 2. Hartmann, Robert T. Palace Politics New York - Robert T. Hartmann Press 1980 3. Carter, Douglas "Power in Washington" Newsweek, November 21, 1966 pp. 29 4. Bumann, Joan and Patterson, John 40 President's Facts Ohio, Willowsip Press 1981

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Nursing Education and Competency Essay

Nursing Education and Competency The purpose of this paper is to explore the different paths of education to become a registered nurse. Specially, to examine the educational tracks of the Associate Degree nurse and the Baccalaureate Degree nurse. The question at hand is how do these educational paths differ in the level of competency? First, I will show the difference in educational structure and then examine how these relate to the competency of the nurse following completion of each program. The Associate Degree in nursing came about during the 1950s in an effort to combat a nursing shortage in the Unites States following World War II. An Associate Degree nursing program is a two-year program that is typically affordable and offered at a junior or community college. The focus of this program is â€Å"on the basic sciences and theoretical and clinical courses related to the practice of nursing† (Potter & Perry, 2005, p. 16). It prepares the student for â€Å"competent technical bedside† nursing in â⠂¬Å"secondary care settings† (Cresia & Friberg, 2011, p. 33). Following completion of the two-year program, the student is eligible to take the NCLEX-RN (National Council Licensure Examination) and can achieve a license as a registered nurse. The first Baccalaureate Degree in nursing was â€Å"established in the United States at the University of Minnesota in 1909† (Cresia & Friberg, 2011, p. 25). It consists of a four-year program on a university or college campus with a larger financial attachment. There are typically two years of general education requirements followed by two years of upper-level nursing education courses. In addition to the basic science, theory and clinical education the program â€Å"include courses in community and public health, beginning research, management and leadership (Cherry & Jacob, 2005, p. 81). It prepares the student to become a â€Å"professional nurse generalists for acute care settings, community-based practice, and beginning leadership/management positions† (Cresia & Friberg, 2011, p. 33). Following the completion of the program, the student is also eligible to take the NCLEX-RN to receive licensure. Do these two years of additional education make a more competent nur se? â€Å"Over the past several years, policy makers, researchers, and practice leaders have identified that education does make a difference in how nurses practice† (Johnston, 2009). The University of Pennsylvania in an issue of Medical Care released one such  study that supports this in October, 2012 (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2012). It states that: surgical patients in Magnet hospitals had 14% lower odds of inpatient death within 30 days and 12% lower odds of failure-to-rescue compared with patients cared for in non-Magnet hospitals. The study authors conclude that these better outcomes were attributed in large part to investments in highly qualified and educated nurses, including a higher proportion of baccalaureate prepared nurses. (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2012) The current healthcare environment is changing through federal policy, technological advancements, and a growing global multicultural population. These additional years of education are believed to â€Å"enhance the students professional development, prepares the new nurse for a broader scope of practice, and provides the nurse with a better understanding of the cultural, political, economic, and social issues that affect patients and influence† (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2012). The four-year baccalaureate program offers more education to develop these skills giving the nurse the ability to adapt and contribute to these continual changes. Let us now use the following patient care situation of a newly diagnosed patient with Diabetes Mellitus Type II to explore the differences of an Associate Degree nurse (ADN) and Baccalaureate Degree nurse (BNS). A newly diagnosed diabetic needs teaching, the focus of this example will be on how the AND verses a BSN would approach teaching. As stated previously the ADN is prepared at a more technical level, although they share the same basic science and theory as a BSN. After explaining the basics of disease process to the patient, the ADN primary focus may be on the methods of testing blood glucose levels, the correct techniques for drawing up insulin and administration. This is due to the fact that the bulk of their educational training encompassed technical nursing. They would consider proper aseptic techniques for finger stick testing while teaching. Interrupting the results and applying it to a sliding scale of insulin related to food intake and activity. Then teaching the method of drawing up insulin, administration, and sharps disposal. A BSN nurse would teach the basics of the disease process taking the patient’s learning modality into consideration before starting. What is the patient’s ability to learn? Is the patient ready to learn? What is the best method for teaching (audio, visual, written material, or discussion)? What is the  family dynamic and should the family be involved in the teaching? Are there any cultural considerations? The BSN nurse might be inclined to research the topic of teaching new diabetics and find some current evidence based literature to assist in providing the best possible care for this patient. All of these items would have to be taken into consideration before moving onto the task of blood glucose testing, interpreting results and administering insulin. The example above is just a brief look into the thought process that comes with the different tracks of nursing education. A BNS nurse has a larger knowledge base to work from applying critical thinking, evidence based research and cultural consideration into their daily practice. They also possess some of the qualifications to move toward nursing positions in leadership and management. Research is leaning toward the idea that a nurse that has received a Baccalaureate Degree makes for a more competent nurse. National nursing associations support this thought. Policy makers are privy to this information as well. What seems to be a topic of debate now could soon become a reality and change how we educate future nurses. References American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2012, October 24). The impact of education on nursing practice. Retrieved from Cherry, B., & Jacob, S. R. (2005). Contemporary Nursing: Issues, Trends, and Management (3 rd ed.). St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier, Inc. Cresia, J. L., & Friberg, E. (2011). Conceptual Foundations: The Bridge to Professional Nursing Practice, (5 th ed.). Johnston, K. A. (2009). The Importance of Baccalaureate Degree in Nursing Education. Retrieved October 2, 2013, from Potter, P. A., & Perry, A. G. (2005). Fundementals of Nursing (6 th ed.). St. Louis, Missouri: Mosby, Inc.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Socialism and Communism after Marx

Socialism and Communism after Marx Introduction The following essay examines the Socialism and Communism after Marx. Socialism and Communism are two main approaches of the political theory. Karl Marx is among the modern political thinkers whose concepts have continued to have a special meaning as far as political theory is concerned. It is important to first consider the life and works of Marx before examining the socialism and communism after him.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Socialism and Communism after Marx specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Karl Max was one of the most renown scholar and theorist who lived between 1818 and 1883.The work of Karl Marx played an important role of changing the manner in which individuals operates. Marx theoretical works was based on social sciences, history, economics and philosophy. For a couple of years, the political and economic theories by Karl Marx were linked with several key political movements arou nd the world. For instance, the theory of Marxism was the official theory that guided Germany before the First World War.Also; Marxim theory was the official theory that guided Soviet Union and other nations in Eastern Europe for 72 years. Karl Marx in his theory enabled the majority poor people to triumph over the upper class.However; Karl Marx failed in his Marxism theory as a result of the establishment of the middle class. Even though he failed, Karl Marx was a respected philosopher as he was the man behind communism in many countries of the world such as Russia. His life and works played an important role of changing the way individual’s reason in the modern world. As a result of his works, people became approachable and also quick-thinkers as far as creating thoughts on politics are concerned. Karl Marx spent a large proportion of his life criticizing capitalism system. He participated in radical activities and wrote trenchant critiques that showed capitalism as a means of exploiting human beings. He therefore emphasized on socialism and communism. Karl Marx worked hand in hand with Friedrich Engels and the two men maintained a long lasting collaboration until the time when Marx died in 1844 (Rockmore 55). Socialism and Communism after Marx Following Karl Marx’s demise in 1844, Friedrich Engels who was became the narrator of the Marxism theory that was developed by Karl Marx. Engels approached an easy literary style and also had a tendency of offering simple answers with regards to complex philosophical issues. For instance,Engels answered the philosophical question of the relationship between thought and being in a very simple way which has been discussed for many years.Advertising Looking for research paper on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Engels played an important role of setting the tone for the future political Marxists i.e. he enabled the future Marxists to decide philosophical questions in an easy manner. Engels also reinterpreted the Marxism theory by simplifying it in that where Karl Marx had given emphasis on preference and alternatives,Engels emphasized on needs and requirements. Where Karl Marx had emphasized on the importance of studying social process regarding extraction and production, Engels on the other hand emphasized on materialism as the guiding principle (Carver 37). Friedrich Engels died on 1895 and a different analysis of the Marxian theory took shape. The interpretation of the Marxism theory after Engels was later done by Eduard Bernstein in Germany who held the view that the theory required to be modified as it was old fashioned. Bernstein argued that nonviolent political as well as economic development of capitalism system to socialism system was the most ideal way of dealing with unnecessary revolutionary struggles. As Bernstein interpretation of Marxism theory among Germans’ socialists, another diverse variant was taking shape in Russia. During this period, Russia was a medium sized economy and the Marxism theory was not much popular. Agriculture was the main economic activity and the farmers were mainly small-scale farmers. Karl Marx had commented about the condition of rural life in his theory whereby he held the view that the communities who practice agriculture have much lower prospects for progressing as compared to the urban communities.However, some Russians criticized these remarks and in turn believed that Russia was capable of changing. Among the Russian revolutionalists who believed in change was George Plekhanov who in turn influenced an adolescent male by the name Lenin (Ball and Farr 57). Lenin on his part agreed that Russia was not yet ready for the revolutions due to various reasons such as the fact that Russian workforce was largely composed of agricultural laborers instead of industrial laborers. Lenin thus held the view that there was need to educate th e laborers so that they can fit into their respective class. Lenin during his life emphasized on communism and he criticized imperialism for he believed that it was the main reason behind the outbreak of the First World War. Lenin howenr died inn 1924 and afterwards another revolutionalists by the name Joseph Stalin emerged .Joseph Stalin emphasized on the law of the dialect i.e. the revolution from old into new society. Stalin also went further to argue that this law was ideal in case of a society that is divided into several hostile classes. Stalin also held the view that socialism requires to be practiced in Soviet Union prior to being practiced in any nation around the world.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Socialism and Communism after Marx specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Stalin passed away in 1953 and fifty years from then, Soviet Union does not exist.However, some countries including Russia still ex ercises his views. On the other hand, communism is still being practiced in China. The main theorist behind communism in China was Mao Zedong. Mao just like his predecessor i.e. Engels, Lenin, Beinstein and Stalin made various amendments with regards to the Marxian theory. Mao brought about several ideologies among them proposing that the city will guide the village. He also warned that city life is dangerous since it could hinder the revolutionary efforts by the communist and also cause ideological decay amongst the party carders. There were scholars who criticized socialism and communism by Karl Marx.The critics held the view that the government should not exist and that it should be brought to an end as it is a means of oppressing the citizens. These critics argued that vesting power in only a few communists is a means of promoting corruption. Among the scholars whom criticized socialism and communism by Karl Marx were Kropotkin and Bakunin (Rejai 78). Conclusion Following the de ath of Karl Marx, there have been many socialists and communists who have altered the original Marxism theory. Among the socialists and communists after Karl Marx includes Engels, Lenin, Bernstein, Stalin and Mao Zedong .There has also been scholars who have criticized the philosophical work of Karl Marx among them Kropotkin and Bakunin. Karl Marx’s theoretical work has been changed and misinterpreted since his death by his predecessors. Ball,Terence and Farr, James. After Marx. California: CUP Archive, 1984. Carver, Terrell. Engels after Marx. Manchester: Manchester University Press ND, 1999. Rejai, Mostafa. Political ideologies: a comparative approach. London: M.E. Sharpe, 1995.Advertising Looking for research paper on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Rockmore, Tom. Marx after Marxism: the philosophy of Karl Marx. Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2002.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Pay For Essay

Pay For Essay Pay For Essay Pay For Essay: Why Should I Do This? As a student continues his way through the different levels of education more and more is expected from his work. There lies a significant amount of difference between the kind of essays students write in high school and the kind that is expected of them in the latter years. With every year you have to be more diligent, more responsible and more hardworking. That is why essays and papers student write in school differ so much from the works they have to develop later. A good high school essay comprises a few essential requirements, such as a topic sentence, to begin with, introductory paragraph, followed by the supporting paragraph and conclusion, but of course, it cant go without a knowledge of grammar and literature. That is why paper buy is an opportunity for a student to be an excellently written essay and get it in proper shape. Pay For Essay: Few Reasons An essay written by an expert is like a model answer from your tutor, or a journal article from the library. It gives you access to key information, which will help you to write your own essay. Pay for essay and this will save your hours. There is no need to look through countless books and journals researching relevant information. Professional writers will provide you with this. Buying a custom essay, written to a standard above what you currently achieve will help you to get a feel for a great structure and format. So, let us be practical. Not every good student could be a good writer. Not everyone has a way with pen and paper. Some people find it quite difficult to express various point in an understandable and representative manner. That is where custom essay help will help you. Pay For Essay Written By Professionals If you pay for essay from a professional company you can be sure will get an excellently written work that will fill all your deadlines. You only need to give your clear specifications and professional writers will do the entire job according to your needs. Actually, the process of writing is not easy, that is why from the number of experts good companies select writers who will have all necessary knowledge and writing experience exactly in your field. So, pay for essay and have it written on the professional level. You can place a request for a pay essay and we will write your essay from scratch: If you need a professional help in your essay writing, become our client and you will get a professional help overnight! Read also: Example of a Term Paper Communism Paper Philosophy Term Biology Term Paper APA Style Term Paper 3,000 Words Term Paper SFU

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Ancient Egyptian Economy essays

The Ancient Egyptian Economy essays Ancient Egypt had a large range of resources at its disposal varying from food and Cloth to Metals and Gems. A small list of some of Egypts resources are as follows grain, vegetables, fruit, fish, cattle, goats, pigs and fowl were the primary food resources and Flax was also grown to be spun into linen. A large proportion of the grain grown was used for beer production. Natron was also produced for use in embalming but was too expensive for all but a few. The metals of Egypt were quite varied but only a small number were used they included copper, bronze and iron. Gems for the upper classes and the pharaoh and much stone was quarried for the construction of temples and of course the pyramids. The majority of the population more than nine tenths lived on the land in mostly village communities. The land they worked belonged in theory to the gods and in particularly the gods Osiris and Horus and his earthly incarnation or Avatar if you please, the pharaoh. Apart from the tenant peasants a large section of the population worked as farm laborers on the estates of noblemen and of the temples. During the New Kingdom perhaps a third of the land was in the hands of the priesthood with a large number of workers and slaves. Administrators, priests, traders and craftsmen lived mostly in the cities along the Nile, which could be supplied with provisions relatively easily and cheaply by boat. This Pie chart is a rough estimate of the social class of Ancient Egypt and what proportion of the population is in each. Vehicles with spoked wheels came into use during the New Kingdom and served mostly for warfare and sport and horses were introduced soon after but were never a major economic commodity. Poorer people continued to use Stone and wooden tools for most crafts well into the bronze and even Iron Age. The harnessing the Egyptians used on animals were extremely inef ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Historiographical essay ( the New Deal) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Historiographical ( the New Deal) - Essay Example F.D.R won the presidency and embarked on the New Deal.1 The First New Deal took place between 1933 and 1934 and was criticized for not bringing the recovery Roosevelt promised the Americans. A section of Roosevelt’s First New Deal critics described the programs as ‘socialist’. The Second New Deal programs were launched in 1935. The most notable programs of the Second New Deal revolved around Social Security and were thought to be more reasonable and realistic than those of the First New Deal. Roosevelt won the 1936 elections by a landslide, ensuring that the majority of the New Deal programs continued being in place. The programs were faced with missteps and setbacks until national recovery was achieved in the late 1930s, just in time to pave way for military preparations ahead of the Second World War. Scholars and historians of different times wrote books detailing the New Deal. They agreed on some things about the New Deal, but disagreed on others. The differences in views on and perceptions about the New Deal resulted from the different mindsets shaped by the different times the books were published. Richard Hofstadter is the architect of the consensus school of thought on issues surrounding the New Deal and the Great Depression. He alongside other consensus historians believed that that the American past was largely shaped by unity which implies things like homogeneity, shared national interest and stability. In his book, The Age of Reform: From Bryan to FDR (1955), he described the New Deal to be more of a reaction of an economic emergency than a clear framework for reform. He said the New Deal was very different from the progressive era reforms, meaning Roosevelt was very different from the progressive era reformers. He said that whereas the New Deal was not based on any cle ar reform philosophies, but were

Friday, October 18, 2019

The My Lai Massacre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The My Lai Massacre - Essay Example In the end people, departments and institutions flew blame from right, left and center with just a handful of people bearing the burden of prosecution despite it being quite clear that many more had been involved. The power structure at the time actually did well to evade harm from the incident not considering that it was the source of the main problem that not only architected the massacre but also tried to sugar coat it in the name of a bigger and justified war in Vietnam that was supposedly being pursued to protect American interests abroad. According to Olson and Roberts, a few days before the My Lai massacre, there were increasing number of heavy losses and casualties on the side of American soldiers (13). These were caused by snipers, booby traps and mines. SGT George Cox is one of the notable soldiers who died from a booby trap while on patrol just two days before the massacre. Those who died or suffered injuries were mostly on patrol and most of these happened near My Lai ham let. These incidents had slowly undermined American forces’ strength and ability to neutralize the Vietcong operating mainly from My Lai hamlet. These Vietcong units had managed to remain intact owing to their continuous execution of small-scale operations (14). The massacre itself took four hours where more than 400 civilians were killed by American forces from 0730hrs. The operation in My Lai hamlet started by aimless shooting around the selected soldiers landing spot and it went on for about three minutes. This was done not to kill anyone in particular but to disburse any enemy within that proximity so as to ease the access towards the hamlet. This however resulted to widespread panic from those inhabiting the hamlet that morning. Soldiers for the next 30 minutes edged towards the hamlet loaded mainly with pistols and M-16s on full automatic. The soldiers split up at around 0800hrs and begun a thorough search for Vietcong and their weaponry. In this instance lack of coordi nation started and resulted in haphazard turn of events. Frustration creped in and soldiers started shooting at anything that moved. â€Å"Soldiers shot old men sitting outside their homes, women carrying water, children searching for places to hide. †¦women were raped at gunpoint†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (22). 1LT Calley is a notable figure and was to blame for a great deal that happened that morning. However, Charlie Company herded Vietnamese in order to guard them and not to kill. Calley testified to have plainly ordered his soldiers to kill the Vietnamese whether armed or otherwise where the latter turned to be the absolute scenario. This resulted in many unarmed civilians grouped up and shot in cold blood while Calley himself was involved in most incidents. At this point an army photographer, Ronald Haeberle was taking all the action as it happened. It is important to note that only a few soldiers in the Charlie Company engaged their arms in the morning slaughter. Another was Hugh T homson Jr. who was a pilot at the time and who tried to intervene and stop a group of soldiers from killing a group of Vietnamese. What had happened all morning was nothing short of a massacre against the people of My Lai. The whole operation resulted to recovery of only three weapons. Reported official figure at that time was the killing of 128 enemies. This immediately followed efforts of cover up starting with Captain Medina. The military was made deeply aware of the incident on 29 March 1969 through a letter by Ronald Ridenhour. This led to deeper investigations which revealed a

Working with and Leading People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Working with and Leading People - Essay Example Leadership is all about leading some followers. Management is much more focused towards managing people in organizations. Leadership has the concept of followers but management has the concept of subordinates. For leadership, vision is very much important but for management achieving different goals are important. Leadership is generally transformational, but management in general transactional. Leadership is very much focus towards transforming lives of followers. It believes indecisive changes in the lives of followers but on the other hand, managers are much more concerned with assigned tasks. They are not that much interested in subordinate’s lives. Leadership brings innovation into the system but managers, administer and govern those systems. Leadership develops different new things but management maintains those things. Leadership inspires people but management believes on controlling people. Leadership has a long-range view but management has a short-range view. Leaders hip does the right thing but management does the thing in right ways. Leadership creates but management imitate those creations. Leadership is a very vast concept but management is less vast concept than leadership. Leadership is all about leading from the front in case of management performance is the ultimate thing.Late Steve Jobs the founder of Apple computers is the example of the leaders who developed the idea of Apple computers. Indra Nooyi current CEO of PepsiCo is a good example of management personality.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

History wk 11 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

History wk 11 - Essay Example This meant that many of the self-help books and programs were created during this post-modern period. Gergen (2000) suggests that modernists believe that the world is split into two areas – one where material things exist in the outer world and the other where the mind takes over the inner world. He suggests that we still have to see the total person, but they also have to understand how the world works. I think the two differ in the fact that the modernist period grew out of the Western world’s view of psychology. It assumed that all of the world looked the same as it did to Westerners. Of course, we know that this is not true and that there are many times where culture is important. When looking at aging, I would think that we are still in the age of post-modern because we expect that as people get older and more frail, that there will be others to take care of them if they cannot stay with their families. In many other cultures, the elderly are taken care of by the f amily until they die. Modernists would see aging as something to be observed and they would look at the possibilities of how they may help the elderly live a better life.

Strategic Marketing Plan Bellway Plc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Strategic Marketing Plan Bellway Plc - Essay Example The construction division was even able to showcase an operating profit of 13.7m as well. This indicates that situation might not be as bad as it appears. In fact if we take a look at the developments of past couple of years, it appears amply clears that the levels of profit margin which used to be the trademark of this industry are no more available to the industry. Increasing levels of competition, more assertive consumers, increasing emphasis on quality, strict norms for deadline adherence, dynamic nature of business proposition etc are some of the factors which have led to the shrinking of profit margins in the industry. Pettinger (1998) also underlined the fact that the industry is now increasingly being dominated by client groups and peer pressure with too many contractors chasing too little work in the industry. The trend coupled with indications of imminent recession has become a cause of worry for the industry. Gilmore and Jordan (2008) also reported that the construction sector in UK has slumped to new lows with deteriorating conditions in the housing market. As the construction sector comprises of 6 percent of British econo my, and if this significant sector is not able to contribute its bit towards nation's economy, then the country's economy will also come under pressure. Therefore under the circumstances the construction companies are supposed to tread a cautions path with well planned strategic moves. This study is an effort to chalk out a course of action for Bellway Plc under the prevailing circumstances. Well, the times are indeed quite uncertain and nobody knows how things are going to shape up in the next 6-12 months, which in turn calls for planning with short term moves. Such a move might be suitable for a corner shop or for a small scale enterprise, but for a company with a successful track record of operation for last more than 50 years, planning exclusively for short term gains might not be a wise move from a long term perspective. While devising a marketing plan for Bellway Plc for the coming years, we need to think about two broad strategies; i. How Bellway will take on the competition ii. How the company will remain in business with prevailing recessionary trends iii. How the day to day operations will be executed to supplement the marketing plan. A marketing plan for Bellway Plc forms an integral part of its broader business plan implying in words and numbers how, where and to whom Bellway proposes to offer its services to its existing as well as prospective customer under the highly challenging circumstances. This paper is an effort to outline the company's approach not only in attracting potential customer, but also in convincing the existing customers to remain with the company for their future needs as well. In general the components of a marketing plan may include: 1. Terms of Reference: Bellway requires a feel of the market, particularly after the recessionary trends have started showing signs of serious nature with impact on the overall economy. Though the major area of operation of Bellway Plc is UK only and it doesn't have big stakes in the international arena. But the impact of international markets and economic conditions in other countries will certainly have an impact on the UK economy, which in turn will affect the profitability of the company. Therefore, while analysing the domestic market, analysing the global cues is equally important. 2. Executive Summary:

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

History wk 11 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

History wk 11 - Essay Example This meant that many of the self-help books and programs were created during this post-modern period. Gergen (2000) suggests that modernists believe that the world is split into two areas – one where material things exist in the outer world and the other where the mind takes over the inner world. He suggests that we still have to see the total person, but they also have to understand how the world works. I think the two differ in the fact that the modernist period grew out of the Western world’s view of psychology. It assumed that all of the world looked the same as it did to Westerners. Of course, we know that this is not true and that there are many times where culture is important. When looking at aging, I would think that we are still in the age of post-modern because we expect that as people get older and more frail, that there will be others to take care of them if they cannot stay with their families. In many other cultures, the elderly are taken care of by the f amily until they die. Modernists would see aging as something to be observed and they would look at the possibilities of how they may help the elderly live a better life.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Legal Issues Affecting the Healthcare Work place Research Paper

Legal Issues Affecting the Healthcare Work place - Research Paper Example Bullying can include a series of incidents when overt or covert aggression can be inflicted on a person through spreading of rumors, withholding data, blocking promotion, or inflicting psychological abuse through exclusion (Leonard, Norman, and Spring, 2009). Horizontal violence is also a form of bullying, but it involves non-physical acts of aggression between employees of similar hierarchical positions. It includes: criticizing, insulting, undermining, and bickering (Leonard, Norman, and Spring, 2009). Mobbing involves negative actions of a group directed towards one employee. Parties involved may be those of higher positions abusing those in power positions. Workplace abuse may either be physical through shoving, pushing, and be kicking, or it may also be verbal through berating or threatening; it may be active or passive, and it may also be directly or indirectly carried out. In healthcare, studies and reviews indicate that these workers are about 16 times more likely to suffer workplace violence as compared to other employees. Moreover, nurses who are often at the frontline of health services are subjected to abuse from family members of patients. These nurses are unavoidably exposed to these dangers because they are exposed to patients who have issues related to substance abuse, domestic violence, HIV/AIDS, mental health problems, and other social issues. In effect, the patient’s health issues and unfavorable conditions when they face nurses create dangerous scenarios for nurses.

The Fashion Chanel Essay Example for Free

The Fashion Chanel Essay What are the 5 primary types of consumer and market data provided in the case you would consider if you were Dana Wheeler? Discuss specific result elements (not a summary of the exhibits). As Dana Wheeler, I would consider the following five primary types of consumer and market data: 1. Cable Ratings: Both Advertising and Affiliate revenue will depend upon these as the usability of a channel to the cable company and advertisers depend upon the amount of viewers a channel has. 2. Annual Demographic Survey: Provides key data to focus on 18-34 year female iewers. This audience group would be the prime focus as their viewership will attract the advertisers and will have them pay the largest CPM. 3. Advertising Revenue Model: Advertising revenue is the largest source of income for the channel which could go down by 10% if there was no change in the channel strategy. 4. Competition from other Networks: This data allows the channel to find what is most desirable amongst the viewers thats attracting them to the other channels. . Attitudinal Research Findings: Cluster segmentational Data will provide an insight nto different viewer populations as to what to focus in order to market effectively bringing in high CPM. 2. Consider 3 primary options presented. Discuss the pros and cons of each Broad Multi Segment Approach: This includes targeting viewers from all the age ranges including Fashionistas, Planners ; Shoppers and Situationalists by investing in marketing and advertising campaign as well as programing. PROS: This approach will lead to approximately 20 % increase in viewership as it will be targeting a broad range of viewers increasing their awareness and liking towards the channel. Also, it will not require an additional programing expense as compared to the other approaches and will deliver about $40 M more in terms of net income as compared to the base income of 2007. CONS: Ad Sales forecasted a decrease by 10% in CPM if the current trend continues. Broad Multi Segment approach still does not present with a different category of viewers to maintain $2. 0 CPM, instead, it brings it down to $1. 80, which is the same 10% decrease. Since this approach does not target specific audience, TFC will still run under risk of competitors as CNN and Lifetime penetrating their premium segments. Fashionistas segment Approach: This includes targeting Fashionistas which are strong in highly valued 18-34 year old female group. PROS: Since this approach mainly targets 18-34 year old females, it wil l lead to a higher CPM of about $3. 50 from base $2. 00 which will generate a net income of about $100 M more as compared to the base income. Also, it will help TFC to compete with Lifetime which mainly targets females ranging from 18-34 years. CONS: The amount of viewers targeted in this approach is mere 15 % of all viewers which will decrease the channels ratings from current 1. % to 0. 8%. Also, it will cost an additional programming cost of $1 5 M to the channel. Also, targeting one specific audience will not create much awareness or liking of the channel in other viewer groups and they might also lose their loyal viewers. Fashionistas and Planners/ shoppers segment approach: This will include programming targeted to Planners/ Shoppers and Fashionista segments. PROS: This scenario will yield approximately $115 M more in net income as compared to the base income of 2007 due to an they will also be able to compete with other channels and attract their viewers. CONS: This approach is the most expensive approach with a total incremental cost of $20 M. Also this change in programming might cause the channel to lose their loyal viewers and might result in declining viewership 3. If you were Dana Wheeler, what solution would you recommend and why? As Dana Wheeler, I would suggest approach 3 i. e. Fashionistas and Planner/shoppers segment approach, due to the following reasons: 1. The Broad Multi Segment Approach would lead to an increase in ratings from 1. 0% to 1. 2% but as it is not targeted to specific audience, here is a high risk of losing that rating to the competitors. Also, the amount of net profit made would be least in this case i. e. about $40 M yielding a profit margin of 29% which will be a mere 10% more than base profit for the current year. 2. The Fashionista Segment Approach would attract the highest desirable audience population i. e. females ranging 18-34 years thereby leading the channel to increase the CPM from $2. 00 to $3. 50. The amount net profit made in this case would be about $100 M more, yielding a profit margin of 37% which will be a significant 18% more han the base profit. This approach leads to a decline in the ratings from 1. 0% to 0. 8%, as it targets only 15% of the audience population. Also, it requires an additional expense of 15 million and a risk of losing current the loyal clients if the channel becomes too targeted on Just one kind of audience. 3. The Fashionistas and Planners/Shoppers Segment Approach seems most favorable as despite the $20 M programming cost, this approach targets 50% of its audience which will enhance viewer ratings from 1. % to 1. 2 % as it will enable the channel to attract audience rom competitor channels as well. This approach is not too drastic but will also cover the desirable viewer range of 18-34 year females, yielding a CPM increase from 2. 0% to 2. 5%. As a result, this approach would yield a net profit of $1 15M more leading to a profit margin of 39%, which is 20% more than the base profit.

Monday, October 14, 2019

How Motivation Influences The Job Satisfaction Level Management Essay

How Motivation Influences The Job Satisfaction Level Management Essay 1.0 Introduction This study is carried out the important of motivation to influence job satisfaction in an organization, to understand the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction in an organization. In this chapter, will be focusing on research background, research objective, problem statement, and research question. 1.1 Research background The purpose of this study was to find out the impact of motivation on job satisfaction of employee in a organization. Motivation is a basic psychological process. A recent data-based comprehensive analysis concluded that competitiveness problems appear to be largely motivational in nature (Mine, Ebrahimi, and Wachtel, 1995). The management dilemma in many organizations and how they can improve the motivation of employees in the fast paced technological environment. Motives are expression of persons need. Hence they are personal and internal. They also can be incentive on the other hand are external to the person. Motivations are made part of work environment by management in order to satisfy the employees to accomplish task. Job satisfaction is positively affects individual performance. Job satisfaction positively affects individual performance (Petty et al. 1984; Judge et al. 2001; Kim 2005) and this make it highly relevant to investigate the cause of job satisfaction. According to Luthans (1998), motivation is the process of arouses, energizes, direct, and sustains behavior and performance. That is a process to influence people action and to achieve a desired task. There is also one of the way to influence people is to employ effective motivation which make the employee more satisfied and committed to their job. Money is a motivator but is not the only motivator. There is still having other incentives which can also serve as motivator. Employee attitudes relating to job satisfaction and organizational commitment are based on the field of organizational behavior and the practice of human resources management. Attitude has direct impact on job satisfaction. On the other hand, organizational commitment is focuses on their attitudes towards the entire organization. Although the relationship between satisfaction and commitment are strong, but there are more recent research shows that commitment cause satisfaction. 1.2 Problem statement There are many reasons why managers are keep facing the problem in organization. Resources, human and material, technology are a few issues confronting managers daily. The more important is the human aspect has question that has confused managers for a long time such as how can they make some employees perform better with satisfied in their job. According to Schofield (1998), an authoritative study conducted by the Sheffield Effectiveness Programme (a joint research project between the Centre for Economic Performance at the London Stock Exchange and the Institute for Work Psychology at the University of Sheffield) has shown that the way people are managed or motivated has a powerful impact on both productivity and profitability. The study which included measurement of levels of job satisfaction and organizational commitment of employees of 67 firms, found that 5% of the profitability variance, and 16% of the productivity variance between companies may be the different variance in job satisfaction levels between their employees. This study is demonstrated the important of job satisfaction, employees motivation and commitment in an organizational capability and effectiveness. According to Watson (1994) business has come to realize that motivated and satisfied workforces can deliver powerful to the bottom line. There are still many employees all over the world do not enjoy the level of job satisfaction and work motivation, because of that they keep seeking alternative employment to experience a higher degree of job satisfaction. Such action will influence an organizations ability to be profitable and successful over n extended period of time. According to Finck, Timmers and Mennes(1998) employees are excited and motivated by what they do will help business be achieve. 1.3 Research objective To find out the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction To determine the impact of motivation towards the employees job satisfaction. To analyze the way to improve the job satisfaction by using work motivation. 1.4 Research question What are the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction? What determine the impact of motivation towards the employees job satisfaction? How work motivation can improve job satisfaction? 2.0 Literature review 2.1 The relationship between motivation and job satisfaction 2.1.1 Motivation According to Pinder(1998 in Ambrose Kulik, 1999) work motivation may be regarded as a set of internal and external forces that initiate work-related behavior, and determine its form, direction, intensity and duration. The concept related to the work and influence on work behavior of both environmental forces. In workplace, work motivation are invisible, it is depends on personal behavior and responsibility of the job. Snell (1999) says that motivation is everything. Without motivation people will not deliver to their potential even the talented people. People that are motivated will perform well and improve the personal ability. He further asserts that company staff are very important in a business due to they are the image of the company that customer see. They have the potential to enhance the quality of service and have the power to influence or reduce the company profits. According to a model developed by Herzberg, motivation is influenced by maintenance and motivational factors. The important motivational factors are the work itself, achievement, growth, responsibility, advancement and recognition. There are basic internal motivators rather than external. The Maslow and Herzberg models are similar due to its focus on needs, but the difference can be seen from the point of views. Nel, Gerber, Van Dyk, Haasbroek, Schultz, Sono and Werner(2001) describe motivation as intentional and directional. Intentional is mean to personal choice and committed of action, and directional indicates being of a driving force aimed at achieving a specific goal. A people who get motivated will know they must achieve the specific goal even in the face of adversity. 2.1.2 Job satisfaction The concept of job satisfaction will be very important now a day. Managers feel that if they responsible for maintaining high levels of job satisfaction among their staff will helps to increase the productivity, absenteeism and staff turnover (Arnold Feldman, 1986). According to Locke (1976), job satisfaction was already significant since the first part of 20th century, for example, there are over 3000 related studies were published between 1935 and 1976 which an average of on publication every five days. Job satisfaction is regarded a s related to important employee and organizational outcomes, ranging from job performance to health and longevity (Spector, 2003). According to Gibson et al (2000) job satisfaction may be defined as an individuals expression of personal well-being associated with doing the job assigned. Job satisfaction depends on the level of internal and external and how the employees view those outcomes. The outcomes of job satisfaction have different values for different people. For some people, responsible and challenging work is negative value and depending on the education level and prior experience with work providing the internal outcomes. For other people, such work outcomes may have high positive values. Those differences would influence the level of jab satisfaction on the same job tasks. Bateman and Snell(1999) say if people feel fairly treated from the outcomes they receive, or the processes used, they will be satisfied. These authors mention that a satisfied worker is not necessarily more productive than a dissatisfied one due to sometimes people are happy with their jobs which dont have to work hard. 2.2 The impact of motivation towards the employees job satisfaction All employers want their workers to perform well of their abilities and they try to provide all the necessary resources and a good working environment in order to keep their employees motivated. However, motivation is a difficult factor to manage due to every employees wants or target does not always match with what the employers provide. Motivation and job satisfaction reinforce each other and work together, if the employee is satisfied on job performance he tend to be motivated. So that understand the employee needs can give better insight to managing human motivation. Frankl(1984) suggested that, motivation reflects peoples search for meaning and that job satisfaction may reflect the degree to which people have found meaning in their work. According to Sylvia and Hutchinson (1985), true job satisfaction is derived from the gratification of higher order needs such as social relations, esteem, and self actualization rather than lower- order needs 2.3 The way to improve the job satisfaction by using work motivation Motivation is very important in an organization nowadays, but not everyone satisfy when the motivation in processes. May be that is because the employers make the wrong way to motivate their employees. Because of that, there are few strategies helps to improve the job satisfaction such as salary, wages and conditions of service, money, staff training, information availability and communication. 2.3.1 Salary, Wages and Conditions of Service To use salaries as a motivator effectively, managers which are motivator must consider four major components of a salary structures such as job rate, payment, personal or special allowances, associated with factors and side benefit. Job rate is relates to the importance the organization attached to each job. Payment is to encourage workers or group by rewarding them according to their performance. Personal or special allowances, associated with factors are the scarcity of particular skills or certain categories of information professionals or with long service. Last but not least, side benefit represent holiday with pay, pensions, and so on. It is also important to ensure the salary structure of the organization will retained the same level of the market salary structure. 2.3.2 Money According to Akintoye(2000), money remains the most significant motivational strategy. Money is the major factor which able to motivate employee to increase the productivity of the company (Taylor, 1911). Incentive system will be able to improve job satisfaction, high performance, commitment. Katz, in Sinclair, et al. (2005) emphasizes the motivational power of money through the process of job choice. He explains that money has a very strong power to attract or motivate individually to achieve higher performance. For example, a employee will simple shift company for the greater financial reward of the job, if the differences of the workload of the job is similar with the current job. Banjoko(1996) mentions that many managers use money to reward or punish workers. 2.3.3 Staff Training No matter how computerized an organization, high productivity depends on the level of motivation and the effectiveness of the workforce. Staff training is an essential strategy for motivating workers. An organization must have good training programme. This will give the employee opportunities for self-improvement and development to meet the challenges and requirements of new equipment and new techniques of performing a task. 2.3.4 Information Availability and Communication One way managers can stimulate motivation is to give relevant information on the consequences of their actions on others (Olajide, 2000). According the researcher, there is no known organizations in which people do not usually feel there should be improvement in the way department communicate, cooperate, and collaborate with one another. Information availability brings a powerful pressure between the employees, where two or more people running together will run faster than when running alone. By sharing information, subordinates compete with one another. 2.4 Theoretical framework Motivation n Salary, Wages and Condition of Service Job Satisfaction Money Staff Training Information Availability and Communication Dependent variable Independent variable 2.4.1 Analysis path The framework shows that the two variables in the research proposal, motivation is the independent variable. From this research I have identify that salary, wages and condition of service, money, staff training, information availability and communication are the motivational factors that affect job satisfaction level. The dependent variable in this research would be job satisfaction. From the framework, we will understand the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction. Job satisfaction will be interrupt by the motivation method or strategies. On the other hand, motivation strategy is also able to enhance the job satisfaction level. 3.0 Methodology 3.1 Introduction In this section, we slightly describe the research methodology use in the study to know how motivation affects in job satisfaction and using the data collection to analysis the data for the study. To find out the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction, impacts and the strategy to improve job satisfaction level in a organization. 3.2 Data Resources According to Bell (1995), primary data are such data that does not yet include any interpretations and analysis from other people. Secondary data on the other hand is data that is analyzed and include someones interpretation of the data (Bell, 1995). Secondary data was chosen for this research due to the cost and time saving for collect data that needed for the research (Hair, Money, Samouel, and Page, 2007), According to Saunders et al (2007), primary data is expensive which compare to secondary data. In additional, Hair et al (2007) emphasizes that most of the secondary data are free of charge or either can be purchase in a cheaper price. 3.3 Data Analysis Procedure The secondary resources needed in order to be able to fulfill the purpose of this proposal are mainly journal articles and textbook. When searching for secondary data search engine such as Google Scholar, Emerald and others. KBU International College has provided student a huge variety of reference books. Google search engine is the advancement of technology which allowed us to get information conveniently and quickly to obtain various journals from the website which allowed us to understand the research objectives. Emerald website which can access through it using Anglia Ruskin University account is easy to obtain various journals which needed for the research. Less text book are used in this research as the source from the library about our research questions. 3.4 Hypothesis Null Hypothesis H0: There is no relationship between motivation and job satisfaction Alternative Hypothesis H1: There is a relationship between motivation and job satisfaction Null Hypothesis H0: Motivation cannot affect job satisfaction level Alternative Hypothesis H2: Motivation can affect job satisfaction Null Hypothesis H0: Motivation unable to improve job satisfaction Alternative Hypothesis H3: Motivation able to improve job satisfaction 4.0 Limitation The research could have done more accurately if more resources which could be obtain to support the research. There are limited resources provided in KBU International College library. However, KBU does provide student access to Emerald Insight website which contains many research journals and the college had already paid the fee, but student are still allowed to access to the website within the college premises. In additional, this research only used secondary data collection which easy to obtain. Most of the secondary data come from other authors opinion and their personal findings. Because of that, this research may be inaccuracy due to the opinion from the author might disagree with research and opinion done by other author around the world. 5.0 Ethical consideration The information of the people who provide information to the study would not show to the others when the study done to protect the human right of privacy. There is the action that should be taken. The information provider are willing to provide the information to finish the study and not being force. During the research, the information collected would not be modify as to maintain the accuracy of the information which been collected. 6.0 Executive Summary From the study done, we know that the motivation was so important in an organization which can affect the job satisfaction level. By the way, the relationship between the employee motivation and job satisfaction using the right way to motivate the employee; thus enhancing the job satisfaction level and the organization at the same time. When motivation and job satisfaction are reinforced together as one, motivation and job satisfaction can increase the working performance of employees. Besides that, there are several strategies used to enhance the working performance. The strategies used are such as; Salary, Wages and Conditions of Service strategy, Money strategy, Staff Training strategy, and lastly the Information Availability and Communication strategy. Using all this strategy will further develop the working condition to the highest level of job satisfaction. To sum it up as a whole, motivation and job satisfaction are co-related because when the motivation to work increases, emp loyee will have a higher job satisfaction, thus creating maximum output for the organization. 7.0 Gantt Chart Activity FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY Week number 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 Read literature Finalize objectives Draft literature review Read methodology literature Devise research approach Draft research strategy and method Enter data into computer Draft findings chapter Update literature read Complete remaining chapters Submit to tutor and await feedback Revise draft, format for submission Print, bind Submit

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay on Loss of Faith in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown

Young Goodman Brown: Loss of Faith Faith can be defined, as a firm belief in something for which there is no proof. "Young Goodman Brown" is about a man who leaves his wife, Faith, at home alone for a night while he takes a walk down the road of temptation with the devil. Along the road he sees many people that he would never expect to see on this road, his wife included. He returns to his life in Salem a changed man. In "Young Goodman Brown" Nathaniel Hawthorne uses symbolism and characterization to imply that when individuals lose their faith in the goodness of mankind, they may begin to imagine that their peers have yielded to temptation. Hawthorne uses symbolism to imply that when individuals lose their faith in the goodness of mankind, they may begin to imagine that their peers have yielded to temptation. The character of Faith is Goodman Brown's spouse, but she is also a symbol of his faith in mankind. Brown's relationship with Faith changes as the story progresses, from tender and caring love to judgmental scorn. Brown's thoughts about Faith as he leaves on his journey are: "Poor little Faith...she's a blessed angel on earth; and after this one night, I'll cling to her skirts and follow her to Heaven"(212). This statement shows that the protagonist has a deep love for his faith and knows that it can be his salvation. Later in the journey Brown offers his faith as the last reason to abort his walk with the devil: "Well, then, to end the matter at once,... there is my wife, Faith. It would break her dear little heart; and I'd rather break my own!" (214). At this point his faith is still more important to him than his own life. Later, just... ...e wizard pray to?" (220). The experience in the woods causes Brown to imagine that even his wife has yielded to temptation: "He spied the head of Faith ... gazing anxiously forth, and bursting into such joy at sight of him ... But, Goodman Brown looked sternly and sadly into her face, and passed on without a greeting." (220). Brown's once steadfast faith in mankind is damaged to the point that he is suspicious of all his peers. Hawthorne uses symbolism and characterization to show how easy it is to imagine that our peers have yielded to temptation when faith in the goodness of mankind is lost. Brown loses faith in humanity and starts imagining that all his peers are guilty of sin. Is mankind unworthy of our faith? No. Faith in the goodness of mankind is a belief in something for which there is proof.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Encephalitis - Essay examples -- essays research papers

ENCEPHALITIS Encephalitis literally means an inflammation of the brain, but it usually refers to brain inflammation caused by a virus. It may also be called “acute viral encephalitis or aseptic encephalitis';. Encephalitis is an infectious disease of the Central Nervous System characterized by pathologic changes in both the gray and white matter of the spinal cord and brain. It may be due to specific disease entity such as rabies or an arthropod-borne virus (arbovirus), or it may occur as a sequela of influenza, measles, German measles, chicken pox, herpes virus infection, small pox, vaccinia, or other diseases. The specific viruses involved may vary. Exposure can also occur through insect bites, food or drink, or skin contact. Once the virus has entered the blood stream, it can localize the brain causing inflammation of brain cells and surrounding measures. White blood cells invade the brain tissue as they try to fight off the infection. The brain tissue swells (cerebral edema) and can cause destruction of nerve cells, bleeding with in the brain (intracerebral hemorrhage), and brain damage. This can cause neurologic deficits such as parplysis, speech changes, increased intracranial pressure, respiratory failure, seizure disorders, and shock can occur. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Mild cases absent superficial reflexes Sudden fever ***  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  exaggerated deep tendon reflexes Poor appetite  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  opisthotnos Loss of energy  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  nuchal rigidity General sick feeling  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  increases resp. tract problems Severe Cases High fever  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  sore throat Severe HA ***  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  malaise N/V ***  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ... ...rin 90% resp. tract infection 5 to 7% prior illnes (chicken pox) S/S: 5-7 days after viral illness, n/v, mental changes, lethargy, indifference, confusion, delirious, rapid breathing as progresses breathing sluggish, seizures, coma may die TX: no cure support heart, lung, and brain function Keep blood levels balanced. ICU. Blood samples, I&O, adjusting blood by IV, b/p, icp, breathing monitored 1st recognized in 1963 by acute encephalopathy and fatty infiltration of liver and pancreas, heart, kidney, spleen, and lymph nodes. Mortality rate as high as 80% S/S: hepatomegaly without jaundice in 40%, encephalopathy and altered liver function, combative behavior TX: blood electrolytes controlled carefully, liver biopsy NI: Neurological assessment, temp, alleviate hyperthermia, seizure precautions, I&O, impaired hepatic function, (signs of bleeding), tell don’t give aspirin. Peak incidence age 6. 1st noted in 1974 with 400 cases following epidemics of influenza B outbreak and chicken pox TX: aggressive support to correct metabolic abnormalities (hypoglycemia) and hemorrhage from blood clotting disorders Since 1987 no more than 35 cases/yr nation wide (usually

Friday, October 11, 2019

Management – Swot Analysis (on Maker Studios of Youtube)

The Assignment (Question) Management paradigm today is all about the contingency or situational approach based on the ever changing business environment. Organizations are constantly affected by the external environment and must adapt or influence the environment in order to be efficient and effective. Choose any international or local MNC or SME. Make a SWOT analysis of this organization and explain how it is affected by the external environment. Write on how this organization can utilize the 4 functions of management in order for it to be efficient and effective. Include conclusion and recommendations.You must use terms found within the study of management and are encouraged to look up various textbooks and journals to find these terms and to gain additional knowledge on management through exploration. Introduction of the company If you were to be familiar with the functions of Youtube and have been surfing the site for quite a while, you might have heard of the company named †Å"Maker Studios† quite a bit. This company consists of major Youtube celebrities like ShayCarl, LisaNova, KassemG, iJustine and even the top subscribed Youtube content maker, RayWilliamJohnson.To the audience who uses Youtube for other functions such as â€Å"how-to† videos or music videos of their favourite stars, they might wonder, what does this company actually do? On the other hand, to people who have shown much interest into killing mainstream television programmes with internet through Youtube would understand the major functions of Maker Studios. Maker Studios specifically is talented in creating videos of the two widely accepted genres: Comedy and Music. They create filming sets, music studios, green screen areas and even an editing office for their employees in Venice, California and the upcoming New York City branch.As quoted from their website, it was mentioned that they receive 70 million subscribers and 650 million monthly views across more than 400 channe ls (Cited: http://www. makerstudios. com/about/ ) and thus is one of the Youtube Partner Channels in the Internet Media Business in the States aside Vevo, the top partnership channel with more than 59, 709 thousand unique views in the year 2011 after generating over 844 million videos in the site itself according to Will Richmond on the 22nd of August 2011 on videonuze. com. (Cited: http://videonuze. com/article/comscore-vevo-is-top-youtube-partner-channel-by-far) SWOT Analysis of the company |Analysis | |Strength |The strengths of Maker Studios is such that they gather all the talents throughout the internet media and help them | | |make their videos and find sponsorships and viewership for their creations thus allowing people to fulfill their | | |dreams yet not having to worry about making a living. As quoted from one of their investments portfolio in | | |greycroftpartners. om, â€Å"the company has developed unique insights into what kind of content works best with YouTube | | |audiences and how to cross-promote and move audiences around its network† (cited: | | |http://www. greycroftpartners. com/2011/04/maker-studios/), it thus supported the efficiency in catching up with the | | |constantly shifting trends of the internet and intelligence in hiring talents into the company in its complicated | | |business sector which attempts to forge deep connection with audiences all over the globe. Cited: | | |http://www. hollywoodreporter. com/lists/maker-studios-280389) | |Weakness |An evident weakness of the company is such that they have limited branches (Venice and upcoming New York) reaching out| | |to the content creators online thus only able to work with people in certain areas of the States. Another is that | | |there might be a high possibility of the competitors of this internet business catching up on the innovations that the| | |company could have been roducing as â€Å"there aren't going to be any drastic programming changes — this i s about | | |expanding on existing success,† as quoted from former Disney’s Digital Division’s Executive – now Chief Programming | | |Officer of Maker, Chris Williams on variety. com. (Cited: http://www. variety. com/article/VR1118052288) | |Opportunities |The internet community is getting larger day by day and having Hollywood catching their eye on the industry’s | | |productions once in a while is also creating more viewership for the audiences all over the world.For example, there | | |are artistes looking for help from the Maker productions for causes which they hope to help and thus film videos like| | |Jane Lynch (popular from Glee series) and Steven Tyler in ShayCarl’s video in attempt to â€Å"Save The Arts! † (cited: | | |http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=IKzUZ7KvAnI=UU77WzpPRrYr0W5oeFjVIqwQ=1=plcp) or even being on the | | |news like ShayCarl’s 4th child, most commonly called â€Å"Rocktard†, who showed faced in a video did (cited: | | |http://www. outube. com/watch? v=AyXsZJwzIrQ ), are opportunities to expansion of the company’s network in creating | | |bonds with the internet community through bonding in use of comments or video responses or even simply joining the | | |company’s forces in using their talents thus creating opportunities not only for themselves but the company’s in | | |developing differentiated content through new, personalised and innovated ideas that sometimes the television isn’t | | |capable in providing for the audiences expectations. |Threats |Threats of the company consists of other major competitors such as VEVO (which generates content from famous | | |celebrities or musicians) and promotes them on Youtube through main pages or dominated the rights towards usage of the| | |contents such as music or even portions of the film.As well, the media is currently still competing with the | | |traditional media such as television and even tho ugh they are probably even ahead of them in the entertainment sector | | |but is beaten down (by people who did not know of the facts and begin cyber bullying the Youtubers’ content) due to | | |mere fame and acknowledgement of the society like LisaNova’s impersonation of Sarah Palin. It was mentioned on | | |nytimes. om that â€Å"She uploaded her Palin video more than a week before  Tina Fey  did her impersonation on ‘Saturday | | |Night Live’. † And that her response towards which was that â€Å"trying to get on TV would be going backwards in my mind. | | |It’s a waste of time. † | | |(Cited: http://www. nytimes. com/2011/04/11/business/media/11youtube. html? agewanted=all) | A Macro-Environmental Analysis o Law and Politics Law and politics with the Maker Studios is not part of any problem that the company could be facing now as the company started up in 2006, they personalize their services to the creators and aid them through their specific earnings after creation. As well, they hire to produce their content (music, digital, filming and etc) in videos hence not entitled to copyright law bridging. o Economy On allthingsd. om it was said that, transparency towards their earnings is through and able to be checked by their partners hence they would be reliable to the investments of the money in their company as well as being honest to their employees in the functions and well-being of the organization. (Cited: http://allthingsd. com/20120309/exactly-how-much-did-that-skateboarding-dog-earn/) As this is an internet business, the company will be affected if the economy fails in terms of people being able to enjoy their productions or not thus earning them money.However, with this current upscale of the internet committee, the company is in safe hands through the advancement era. o Technology Technology is crucial to the business. As it is one of the factors to which whether or not the audiences tune in becaus e of the graphics, the quality of sound and the editing of the videos to the stunts in a film, the professionalism of sets, Maker’s standard of productions as mentioned by nytimes. om was that â€Å"the green screen, film crew, actors and expensive cameras and lights, it went far beyond the typical one-man YouTube videos filmed in a basement with a webcam† hence, once again, supporting their constant follow-up with technology to suit the needs of their mass of talents who are eager to please their audience with great standards of film. (Cited: http://www. nytimes. com/2011/04/11/business/media/11youtube. html? pagewanted=all ) o DemographicsAs the internet is more than common amongst people of almost all ages, Youtube contains a very much a wide amount of audience to capture and Maker managed to curb these differences with its gathered talents and their abilities to pursue different crowds. For example, they have â€Å"The Mom’s View† by mothers with diff erent talents and background, catering and supporting to the vast amounts of parents in the internet community; they also have â€Å"Polipop†, featuring Entertainment and Politics Network which is intended to give people who are interested a good laugh at the political factors without having to move away from their computers. Cited: http://www. tubefilter. com/2011/10/29/maker-studios-youtube-original-channels/) o Social Issues and the Natural Environment The internet community is a fast-paced and ever-changing environment for the business to survive in as there are constant evolvement of trends, updates or even jokes appealing to the vast society is one of the constant issues that the business should be updated about. But as the talents in the company increases from the 200 initial partners in August 2011 (cited: http://www. variety. com/article/VR1118040686? efCatId=1009), they get more and more efficient in finding out and dispersing their information as well as being an i nfluence in creating trends for people to follow. An example could be the â€Å"Super Note Challenge† in 2008 (cited: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=v6kaSqGjbk8 ) where several Youtube personalities such as iJustine, Smosh, Rhett as well as ShayCarl and many other Youtubers hosted, encouraging their viewers to post video responses featuring the longest note that they could make (in terms of time) and hence creating a bond and an interest into watching updates of the challenge constantly.As for their efforts in reminding the audiences in saving the environment, Maker Studios also took part in the Ecomagination Challenge – Tag Your Green hosted by GE and they produced videos of their forte in efforts of it. For example, DaveDays, as a musician, wrote a song in reminder of people to â€Å"Turn Off The Lights† (cited: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=xzBV2ZvQfQw ) and ShayCarl brought his children out for a hike while talking to them about recycling and also tau ght them about the environment (cited: http://www. youtube. com/watch? =dAiCGkRoowo=fvst ) thus showing the viewers that they, too, show an example in doing good for the environment. The Competitive Environment Analysis of the company o Rival Firms Rival firms such as VEVO, Machinima. com, blip, Revision3 Internet Television could give threat to the company in terms of their partnership with Youtube and their stand and sponsor to events such as VidCon, DigiTour but the transparency of Maker’s finance gives it a high competitive advantage to win over more talents and variety to channels instead of mere technology and games for which other companies wins at. New Entrants New entrants might find it difficult to sustain without funding in this sector of business as the expectations of viewers are constantly increasing and thus they might, in the end, need help from major firms such as Maker to help them produce films for their channels or get bought over in view of profits. o Cus tomers Maker, as a company which helps one-man video producers find a team to build up his channel, does not call their clients â€Å"partners† and instead, call them partners.So as they proceed on with their moving-image business, the channel owners have full power over their videos and Maker only act as a service provider as well as an opportunity seeker for the Youtuber himself. The bargaining power for customers only lies in the percentage of the money which they receive from the advertisements that Maker could get in return and it was also mentioned in the terms and conditions of the Maker’s contract that this factor would be personalized as according to the client himself. o Substitutes and ComplimentsSubstitutes of Maker would be as valid as the fact that MySpace managed to take over Xanga and Facebook over MySpace. Therefore, it still contains a possibility where Youtube could be substituted by upcoming new video hosting websites online that might turn into a h it overnight like Facebook. On the other hand, like how a replenishing act could aid the sales of the original product, the compliments of Maker is definitely its networking in the Youtube community as they introduce each other on their videos and hence creating the acknowledgement of each other through their channels.Like for example how LisaNova introduced KassemG on her channel by impersonating his comedy and giving people a pre-show towards how Kassem’s humor will be like on his channels and directing people to watch his videos. (Cited: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=bKJ3bVR8Jxg) o Suppliers The suppliers to produce such films on a daily basis at such large quantities is the talents for which the company hires and other than the Disney’s former Executive of the Digital Division, Chris Williams, it is also proven true that they have hired Courtney Holt, the former president of MySpace Music as their COO on hollywoodreporter. com. (Cited: http://www. ollywoodrepor ter. com/news/courtney-holt-myspace-music-president-255341) This thus proved their high recognition and high expectations in their talents to hire hence providing professional content for the online viewers. In relation through application, to what extent planning, organizing, leading and controlling can be applied to the company In relation to application of the management of the company, the company would have to define fixed and strictly accomplishing goals to achieve in terms of the number of views, unique viewership count, the creation of new content as well as the amount of videos to be produced in a business year.However, it might be difficult to manage with the ongoing trends like Hunger Games, Justin Bieber’s new album or even some new celeb-gossip going around in the world of entertainment. Therefore, constant monitoring of progress is needed and more than frequent updating about movement of internet community is important for the growth of the company to expand on their current business in terms of coverage and audiences’ capturing.As well, it is important to have organized teams or crews on a specific project or channel dedicated to the advancements – which is their current system now. With her interview on tubefilter. com, Maker’s founder, Lisa Donovan mentioned that the model of Maker is comparable to the company United Artists back in 1919, first led by Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford and many other artists where it is the first talent-led studio (cited: http://www. tubefilter. com/2011/04/21/maker-studios/).For example, the fixed team whose professionalism is in that particular genre of film, would be sent to RayWilliamJohnson’s â€Å"Equals Three† and â€Å"Your Favourite Martian† would have separately a music team, digital team as well as a team which, at the set, helps him with the humor content for which is going to be in his film. With such a unique form of business, the company requires a ta ll organization which has narrow span of control over the employees and manager rate as they would work in small teams in order to be efficient and effective in discussion and production.It would also thus have to be decentralized, where the employees are able to freely share creative ideas just like in Google, the unformalized manner of generating imaginative content. This would thus allow the company to be able to constantly be attentive to minute matters which might affect the company’s â€Å"originality† competitive advantage as compared to the rival firms. General Conclusions Maker is one of the very few companies around the globe, for which looks at talents in a manner that some companies would not be able to cherish.Even in one of their interviews, they mentioned to even have a criteria for joining in their firm: â€Å"When I am meeting talent, the first thing I want to know is, how committed are they to it? † said Lisa Donovan to Daniel Miller of hollywo odreporter. com. (Cited: http://www. hollywoodreporter. com/lists/maker-studios-280389) Therefore, their accomplishments not only as a firm, but as a big family with similar goals (not only because their own family is associated in the videos) just as ShayCarl have mentioned in one of his videos, is what they have built up and grown together over the years along with the Youtube creator’s fame.Recommendations for the company in the next 5 years As much as the company has accomplished throughout the years, not only expanding on their own success, they have also managed to raise funds with investments as well as convert television celebrities into internet sensations just like Bobby Lee of MADtv having his own channel and being to do crazy things like he would in his previous shows as well as entertain people without having to worry about the technicalities. (Cited: http://www. tubefilter. om/2012/01/30/bobby-lee-maker-studios-the-station/ ) Therefore, in hopes that the new SON Y internet-television could allow people to be in touch with their desired genre of film, Maker should create even higher viewership through making internet-original movies with their professionalism and make the bonding with audiences into even better sensations through movies and interactive comments thus improving themselves thus far. Reference List †¢ Bladwin, D. , October 29th, 2012, Maker Studios Scores Three Channel Deal with Youtube Originals, http://www. tubefilter. com/2011/10/29/maker-studios-youtube-original-channels/ Bladwin, D. , January 30th, 2012, Maker Studios Reboots The Station With Bobby Lee, http://www. tubefilter. com/2012/01/30/bobby-lee-maker-studios-the-station/ †¢ DaveDays, October 31st, 2010, Dave Days – â€Å"Turn Off The Lights† (Music Video), http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=xzBV2ZvQfQw †¢ Grey Croft Partners’ Investor’s Portfolio, April 15th, 2012, Maker Studios, http://www. greycroftpartners. com/2011/04/mak er-studios/ †¢ Hustvedt, M. , April 21st, 2011, Maker Studios Raises $1. 5M For Creator-Founded YouTube Studio, http://www. tubefilter. com/2011/04/21/maker-studios/ †¢ Kafka, P. March 9th, 2012, Exactly How Much Did That Skateboarding Dog Earn? , http://allthingsd. com/20120309/exactly-how-much-did-that-skateboarding-dog-earn/ †¢ Lamp4137’s Youtube Channel, June 30th, 2011, Rocktard On Some Weird Local News Thing, http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=AyXsZJwzIrQ (Original Shaytard’s) Excited Baby! http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=JrKT4eYHwiM †¢ LisaNova, November 17th, 2010, Tripping Bros! (LisaNova does KassemG UNCUT), http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=bKJ3bVR8Jxg †¢ Maker Studios (About Maker), April 15th, 2012, http://www. makerstudios. com/about/

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Health Benefits of Cigars

Health Benefits of Cigars From the prehistoric times to voyages to the new world, cigars and tobacco have been used in varied methods that are important to man, and one of them is the various Health Benefits of using cigars. These benefits are as follows: Beneficial for Alzheimer’s Patients Studies since the 1900’s have shown that nicotine imitates a certain part of the brain called neurotransmitters and is known to affect an abundant number of this important part of the brain. Research has shown the effect of nicotine to increased brain function.As Alzheimer’s is characterized by affected neurons in the basal forebrain linked with loss of nicotinic receptors, it was found out that nicotine have important effects to this cells, increasing not only the regulation of flow of blood in the brain but also cognition.. Control effects of Tourette’s Syndrome Data from a recent study showed that nicotine can control the effects of Tourette’s syndrome; these effects are characterized by physical tics and uncontrollable vocalizations which are often filled with obscenities.A series of case studies showed long-term control of tics, vocalizations and other symptoms by the effect of nicotine, the active ingredient in cigars. Stabilize patients with Schizophrenia New data indicating that nicotine can regulate some of the psychophysiological symptoms seen in patients with schizophrenia have been uncovered in recent studies in patients who are suffering from schizophrenia. This disease is very hard to understand and to treat, that is why understanding the effect of nicotine this illness is crucial. Good Memory and CognitionThe effect of smoking cigars not only encompasses persons suffering from diseases of the neurons in the brain but also the normal and healthy person. Clinical studies have shown that effect of nicotine to non-smoking persons produces significant improvements in long-term recall and attention span. Analgesic Research has show n that the active ingredient in cigars, which is nicotine, has an effect that relaxes muscles. Its effect on the peripheral nervous systems is very much alike to analgesics so cigars, in case of emergencies can be used as pain relievers.Control Intestinal Parasites and Worms Cigars can be used to control some intestinal parasites and worms, ingesting small amount of cigar, the equivalent of 1-1. 5 of cigarette, can be used to kill this parasites. After 24 hours of ingesting the cigar, passing of the parasites can be noticed due to toxic effect of nicotine to the parasites. Stress Relief Most cigar smokers will tell you that cigars help them relax and ease the tension and stress after a hard day’s work.Stress is associated with many illnesses such as hypertension, migraines and others, and should not be taken lightly. The effect of cigars is very important to lower the stress levels of a person. Appetite and Diet It is known that small doses of cigar smoking stimulate appetite and large doses can depress hunger and thirst. By using one product, in this case cigars, people can have their desired effect on their appetite, either dieting or gaining some pounds.